Narrative #2 - The Aleutians
Volcano of Gold
By: Ron Reil
This narrative is in memory of my partner and friend, Doug Harris.
My work in the Aleutians for
Battle Mountain Gold Corporation included prospecting parts of the Alaska
Peninsula. I became part of the project three years into a proposed five
year exploration project to explore for gold on Native Indian land holdings. One
of the areas that had been previously identified for further prospecting
was the Canoe Bay/Mt. Dana area at the extreme southern tip of the Alaska
Peninsula. In the latter half of the 1989 field season we packed up our field
camp and departed Camp Quagmire on Popof Island in our Alouette A-Star helicopter, to fly the 60 miles to
a bear hunter's cabin on the shore of Canoe Bay. The incidents referred to
in this narrative were taken from my 1989 field journal.
In many ways things have not
changed much since the gold rush days of the mid-1800s. The modern exploration
geologist still uses the gold pan and shovel, and still chips rocks to inspect
for the tell-tail glimmer of gold. The mule and horse have given way to the
helicopter, and the can of beans to hot meals prepared by a camp cook, but
the spirit is unchanged. The risks are still there as well. The Indian attacks
are gone, but the very real threat of bear attack still lingers, and the
even greater threat of death in a helicopter accident weighs heavily on the
minds of all who do this kind of work. In Alaska, where this adventure took
place, on average two geologists die in helicopter accidents for each mine
that opens! We made our contribution to this grim statistic when my partner and dear freind Doug Harris, and another geologist
friend, along with the pilot of the helicopter, all fell to their deaths. It was the
last flight of the season when the main rotor simply came off in flight!
This narrative is dedicated to Doug and the others who died that day.
(Note: The person in the brown vest in the above linked picture
of our helicopter is Doug Harris, and Doug's dog Diamond is on the ground
waiting for a ride. Diamond was not onboard when the helicopter crashed.)
As the cold and stormy
Shumigan Islands' summer wore on, we all began to look
forward to the coming exploration of the southern tip of the Alaska Peninsula,
and the Canoe Bay/Mt. Dana volcano area in particular. We had arranged to
use a bear hunters' cabin on Canoe Bay during our time in the Mt. Dana area.
The Canoe Bay region has one of the highest brown bear populations in the
world, so the added security if the cabin would be welcome.
Everyone in our
crew was heavily armed with the weapon of their choice. For those who
came to the job without a weapon of their own the company provided .44 magnum
revolvers. Also, we each carried a can of bear mace, an ultra powerful pepper
mace that had shown good results in the past. The only problem with the mace
was you had to allow the bear to get very close and personal before you were
in range to use it. I carried a pistol grip stainless steel 12 gage pump
shotgun. It was loaded with alternating .50 caliber sabot rounds, and 000-buck
shot, the buckshot was to blind the bear. This was the recommended "medicine"
for the big brownies when they decide to establish a one on one relationship
with you. We soon learned that the only time we didn't want to have a round
"up the spout" was when we were in the helicopter.
The thing that made the Canoe
Bay area so interesting was the gold, it was everywhere! In 1987, Bill Ellis,
our camp boss, lead geologist, and project manager, had first discovered
"colors" on the Alaska Peninsula, and his discovery was later verified by
Doug Harris during the 1988 field season. You couldn't take a pan of
dirt anyplace on the southern Alaska Peninsula without turning up "colors"
in the pan. This was very provocative stuff to a group of exploration geologists
- where was it all coming from?
Our helicopter had been working
hard for several days prior to our moving down to the cabin. It was hauling
the "fly camp" gear down, and a generous supply of fuel for the helicopter
as well. There are no gas stations on the southern Alaska Peninsula. In fact,
there isn't much of anything but wild country, and bears by the hundreds.
Our chopper pilot, Jim, counted 22 of the big bears in 15 minutes during
one of his early supply flights to the cabin!
Finally the day arrived when
all the supplies were at the cabin, and it was time for the four geologists,
camp cook, pilot, and helicopter mechanic, to load up and fly down too. It
was with some sadness that I closed up my Weatherport
tent for the extended absence. I hoped it would still be in one piece
when I returned. Most of my things were still in it. The tent was situated
in some heavy brush, so I hoped the worst of the Aleutian storms would blow
over the top. I needn't have worried as it came through fine.
One of the nice things about
working in remote places like the Aleutians is that all formality soon fades
away. Our pilot, Jim, had been glad to teach me how to fly the helicopter
when the time allowed. I would have enjoyed taking the controls now for our
60 mile flight down to Canoe Bay, but the craft was packed, and the dual
controls had been removed for convenience. During our return trip I would
get to "pilot" the entire trip back to Sand Point.
Just after we took off and climbed
to a comfortable altitude, we crossed onto a solid cloud cover below us.
This was very unsettling since a mechanical problem could force us to descend
through the clouds, possibly crashing into a mountain in the process. Technically
we were breaking the law since we had very few instruments. When I commented
to Jim about this, he made the observation that to obey all the rules meant
that we would never get off the ground in the Aleutians, and he was right.
Little did I know what I was soon going to experience on the side of a rugged
and stormy volcano.
Once we crossed into the interior
of the Peninsula the clouds melted away and the intense dark green of the
tundra passed steadily by below us. As we flew down one exceptionally beautiful
"U" shaped valley, Jim commented "I wouldn't be the least surprised to see
a dinosaur grazing down there." However, it wasn't dinosaurs, but brown bears
that we saw. They were everywhere! It really raised the hair on my neck as
we passed over the huge beasts. I would soon be working down there alone,
and the thought struck fear into my heart. I would learn that by having the
helicopter make several low, slow, passes over the area I wished to work
in I would have about an hour of bear free time before the brutes returned
to their homes. The bears hated the noise of the helicopter, and it would be
our chief defense against them.
All too soon the broad expanse
of Canoe Bay came into view, and shortly
the cabin, tucked into its protective niche in the
coastline. We settled gently on the tundra in front of the cabin and started
doing what we were being paid for. We quickly unloaded the chopper to get
it on its way back to bring down the rest of the crew and supplies. More
important than the geologists was the 25 year old woman, Sue, from Challis,
Idaho who was our camp cook. The job would go very badly if she didn't make
it in before the weather closed in for the next expected storm.
The ground in front of the cabin
was piled high with the supplies that Jim had been flying in for the last
few days. We had been very lucky as the weather had remained fairly calm
during this period. We needed to not only get all the supplies and equipment
secured, but to get the basic utilities for the cabin working. The oil stove
would not light, and the water line to the cabin was broken somewhere up
the mountain. We needed to find the problem and repair it. This was not
a comfortable thought as the grass was higher than my head, and the recent
visions of the big brownies still burned vividly in my mind.
We opened up the cabin and brought
in some of the gear. We decided that I would go with one of the other
geologist, Dennis, to repair the water line, while the third member of our
party would stay and continue working on the supplies. The sky was becoming
increasingly threatening, and we hoped to secure everything before the storm
I dug into my pack
for my ammo
and loaded my 12 gage. The weight of it on my shoulder was a comfort as
started off into the tall grass and willow cover. I have used weapons
for most of my life, but that was the first time that I felt it was
necessary to keep
a round chambered all the time. After an incident with three brownies
next day, my weapon would remain fully loaded for the duration of our
on the Peninsula.
We worked our way up
miserable wet mosquito infested head high grass, and then up the center
of the creek,
where we followed the pipe for another quarter mile to its source. We
soaked and thoroughly mosquito chewed by thousands of those famous
blood thirsty critters when we finally climbed over the last of the
impenetrable jungle like growth and spotted the end of the pipe. The
was very obvious when we got there. A flood had broken and displaced
inlet end of the 4 inch pipe. We had to get down into the water and
a lot of rocks to get the pipe back down where it needed to be. When it
all finished we made a hasty retreat, and breathed a big sigh of relief
when we got out of the deep grass and into the clearing next to the
Soon the next chopper load of
supplies and the last of our crew arrived. The roar of the gas turbine
engine died away to be replaced by the intense quiet of the remote location
we were in. All was well now that our cook, Sue, had arrived! She was not
to be outdone by any geologist, and wore a stainless .357 magnum revolver
on her hip, where it would remain for the duration of the camp. No one had
any allusions about getting fresh with her! She ran the show and everyone
knew it.
That night we all spent time
reading the various writings on the crude walls inside the cabin. Scores
of hunters that had paid their $10,000 for a week long bear hunt had recorded
the important facts of their kill. It was enough to make all of us give
considerable thought to what we were about to do. A number of the writings
testified to firing repeatedly, and solidly hitting their animal, without results.
The bear just kept coming. In several cases the bears had finally dropped
less than an arm length from the hunter. They were all using big caliber
rifles, we had pop guns by comparison. Two of us carried shotguns, the most
powerful weapons we had among us. Weren't shotguns for birds? I hoped none
of us would meet a brownie up close and personal.
After dinner I took a walk along
the beach which fronts the cabin. The tall "bear grass" was only a few yards
to my right as I walked along and watched the salmon pooling below our little
stream. They were getting ready to perform their desperate rush upstream
to insure the future of their species. There were so many salmon that fishing presented
no challenge at all. I tried a few casts but my interest soon waned when
I couldn't retrieve the line without catching one of them. I was also a little
shy about presenting my back to the bear grass. All those fish were a big
lure to brownie. A short walk up the side of the stream confirmed the need
for caution. Huge tracks were clearly pressed into the bank in numerous places.
I suddenly felt very alone and exposed. The hair on my neck bristled, and
I quickly retraced my path to the cabin. I felt a wave of relief sweep over
me as it came into view.
The next morning
after one
of Sue's great breakfasts, we loaded up our packs for our first day
the mystery of all that gold. The chopper started to wind up outside so
was about time to go. I loaded my 12 gage carefully, but not chambering
a round
since we were going to be in the chopper in a few minutes. Jim didn't
loaded guns, he had one in a shoulder holster too, but he didn't like
down the bore of a weapon with a chambered shell as it was being loaded
into the chopper. We all understood his position. Next to the cook
the pilot was the most important person in camp.
I didn't know it, but today
would be one of the best of the field season. We lifted off into early morning
low clouds. We got trapped for a few minutes in a very tense "white knuckle"
situation while trying to break through the cloud layer, but it worked out,
and soon we were above it and headed for Mt. Dana.
We steadily climbed the lower slopes of the volcano. Several hundred feet
below, a line of alternating holes in the tundra came into view. When I asked
what they were, my blood turned to ice when I learned it was a bear trail.
The big bears walk the same trails, and in the exact same footsteps, generation
after generation. They create deep "post holes" in the tundra in places.
Seeing the evidence of these creatures habits shook me. The 12 gage propped
between my knees seemed awfully tiny. Their trails were clearly visible from
a thousand feet above them.
Jim set the chopper down on
the barren tundra high on the flanks of the volcano. There was evidence of
the passage of the caribou herds in their migration just weeks before.
Huge antlers lay about, some bleached white, others
fresh from this year's passage. We gathered several and took some pictures.
We were standing on a huge "basal surge deposit" of ash and bigger ejecta,
formed during the last cataclysmic eruption of the mountain. This material
spread for miles in all directions from the volcano.
We fired up the A-Star again
and headed on up the mountain. The rim of the crater came into view, and
we floated up over the lip and then down into the deep crater. There was
a spectacular crater lake within the crater. Also,
at one end of the crater was one lonely caribou, a straggler from the migrations
some weeks before. We circled the poor creature and then headed down to land
next to the lake. The strange pastel green of the lake gave evidence of its
dangerous character. This was a gas lake, not unlike the lake in Cameroon,
Africa, that killed so many people when it boiled out its deadly CO2 cloud
some years before. We were lucky, the wind was strong, carrying away any dangerous
concentrations of gasses in the crater. When we landed we quickly discovered
the deadly nature of the lake. There were many little voles and other creatures
lying dead near the shore of the lake, overcome by the deadly gasses during
calm weather. I tasted the water of the lake and was surprised when I found
it appeared to be good to drink.
We explored the dangerous crater,
sampling the rocks as we went. We saw no evidence of gold. After several
hours we lifted off and continued on over the mountain to explore all sides
of the dormant giant. The topography was fantastic. The volcanic hills about
the volcano were very steep sided, too steep it seemed to stand up if physical
laws were to be obeyed. It was a land that Hollywood would love to use for
a movie backdrop for something like "The Land Before Time." The day continued
to be very good by Aleutian standards with 30-40 mph winds and high overcast
with occasional breaks. The temperature hovered around 45 degrees.
After a productive day, we returned
to the cabin to discover that all was not well there. Sue was barricaded
inside the cabin claiming that she had been "hassled" all day by a group of
bears. We gave her a hard time until we walked over by the stream, and sure
enough, there were the unmistakable imprints of a big sow and two cubs. The
grass was just straightening up as we observed where it had been flattened
by them lying on it just moments before. The roar of our chopper had driven
them away as we landed. The only weapon she had available was the little
.357, not much of a gun for such big critters. We continued to give her a
rough time, but we all had a new respect for Sue. She had handled the
situation very well. I had concern for her because I knew of a case where
a bear had actually come in and carried off a camp cook with all the good
smells of food on his clothes. That was not a brownie but a polar bear
During the next few days we
explored and sampled the surrounding country around the volcano. There was
indeed gold everywhere we panned. We were starting to construct a theory
for the source of the gold. Even though it seemed highly unlikely, it looked
as though the gold was coming out of Mt. Dana when it erupted!
This had never been seen before anyplace on Earth, so we doubted our observations
and deductions. The longer we looked however, the more evidence we found to
support such a strange origin. It would certainly account for the great area
over which the gold could be detected. It could easily travel hundreds of
miles in the ash clouds.
After sampling many cross sections
of the basal surge deposit we had to admit that the volcano had to be the
source. What was then required was to determine if it was coming from a massive
deposit of gold in the rock of the volcano that was being eroded during each
eruption, or was it cognate gold from deep within the Earth. We decided to
do separate traverses up the side of the mountain, mapping and sampling along
each traverse. This way we might determine if the country rock in the immediate
crater area was the source.
At first light we climbed into
the chopper and were each dropped off at a predetermined point. We were each
to climb the volcano and sample and field map the route as we climbed. My
route started at an old hot spring formation with a great travertine dome
where the hot water had deposited its load of carbonate over the centuries.
It was a long and lonely climb. The weather was deteriorating steadily, and
it gave me a hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach as the fitful blasts
of wind hit me from various directions.
I climbed and sampled, mapping
the strata as I went. The rock was ever changing as I climbed. It was the
typical melange that is found on almost every volcano of the world. As I
approached a narrow "V" shaped gully, the winds started to increase in strength.
I was part way up the gully when a roar like a jet engine came from above me. I
looked up to see a violent wind tearing the gully as it descended toward
me. It was picking up pieces of volcanic tuff as big as baseballs and blowing
them around in a violent whirlwind. My heart lodged in my throat as the monster
descended on me. I threw my shotgun down and dropped on top of it, folding
my arms over my head to protect it from the flying rock. I hoped that my pack would protect me and help to hold
me down. The climbing was very steep at that point, and it would have been
a very long fall if the wind tore me from the rock.
I looked up the gully one more
time just before it hit me. I had never seen big rocks picked up and blown
around before, and that was what was happening only a few yards away from
me. Just as the rocks right in front of me started to lift off, I buried
my face and waited for the impact. I could feel the rocks hitting my pack,
but nothing hit my head or arms. It was incredibly noisy as it passed over,
and then it was past and all was quiet. My heart was beating like a jack
hammer, but I was otherwise untouched. I remained there for awhile, collecting
my thoughts, and then got up and climbed on up the mountain.
The sky was getting heavier
by the minute. It was questionable if I could reach the summit before the
storm closed in. I started moving faster and doing less mapping and sampling
as I climbed. Finally the summit was just ahead. There was a small terrace or
shelf to cross before I reached it. When I stood up on the terrace the winds
all but knocked me down. They were very fitful, blowing one direction fiercely
for a few moments, then blasting in from a different direction moments
I reached the lip of the crater
and looked down the thousand foot drop to the angry green lake below. I got
out my radio and called in the chopper to try to pick me up. I could see
the machine lift off far below and start the climb to my elevation. In about
10 minutes the chopper was at my level, but holding off some 1000 feet or
so away to gage the wind conditions. I got on the radio and suggested that perhaps
it would be better if I down climbed one to two thousand feet to get below
the violent winds. Jim said that he thought he could get me, but I would
have to be ready to jump aboard the instant he touched his left skid down.
It would be a one skid pickup, and a very dangerous one. The shelf was not
wide enough for the chopper to get any closer or it would hit the rocks with
its rotor.
Jim asked me to get down on
the shelf right where the left skid would touch down and be ready to jump
on board. The clearance for the tail rotor was the biggest concern. If a
sudden gust of wind hit, that was too strong to correct for, the tail would
be blown into the rocks. The results of that happening were too terrible to consider.
I got into position as Jim started
his approach. The winds were horrible, blowing fiercely one direction for
a moment, then reversing and smashing in from the opposite direction. I couldn't
imagine how Jim could possibly maintain control under those circumstances.
As Jim approached he told me to be ready for an instant take off, and not
to spend time getting in and closing the door. I understood where he was
coming from, as I had no desire to die in an accident either.
Jim felt his way in, as I crouched
by a rock watching him being thrown all over the place by the gusts. I suggested
one last time that I down climb, but Jim was determined to pluck me off the
peak. I put the radio away and secured everything for the attempt, my heart in my throat.
Jim slowly eased the A-Star
in, gently touching the left skid to the rock next to me. I could see that
the moment had come, so jumped for the door. I threw it open, dumped my gun
and pack on the floor, and threw myself on top of them, while grabbing a
seat belt strap as I did so. Jim didn't wait for another second, but threw
the stick hard over and the chopper dropped instantly off the rock and banked
steeply down the side of the mountain, gaining air speed with the rapid loss
of altitude. I was only half into the chopper, with my lower half hanging
out the door while I held on with all my strength. I was not concerned about
dropping out, but was only interested in seeing us gain distance from the
jagged rocks speeding by.
Jim quickly put distance between
us and the mountain while I pulled myself into the machine. I finally got
into a seat and secured the flight harness around me. I felt very secure
and safe at that moment. I only had a short time to regain my thoughts before
Jim got a call from Dennis, who was also ready for pick up. Dennis hadn't
climbed to the summit as I had done, but he was in a bad location for pick
up none the less. He was on the side of the mountain on a smooth, unbroken
slope of about 40 degrees. There was no place around where the chopper could
land with any amount of safety margin between its inboard rotor tips and
the slope. Jim decided to do a hover just above the ground and let Dennis
climb up from there.
Although we were over a thousand
feet lower than where Jim had picked me up, the winds were still very erratic,
with violent gusts from all directions. I held my breath while we eased in
and held a very precarious hover, while Dennis seemed to take forever loading
his gear and getting in. Finally he was aboard and we banked rapidly away
from the mountain. Jim took us down to the cabin and dropped us off, then
he returned for the other two geologists. Soon he was back with the rest
of the crew and settled the chopper gently down in the calm air near the
cabin. It was good to have everyone together safe and in one piece after
such a day.
We spent another four days working
the area around the volcano. There was no doubt that the source of the gold
was Mt. Dana. We discussed it late into the night, but a suitable model for
the processes going on beneath the volcano was not to be agreed on. The weather
got much worse, and the remainder of our time at Canoe Bay was less than
pleasant. When all the sampling was finally finished, we returned to Sand
Point and our old Camp Quagmire. I was able to pilot the helicopter for the
return trip, which was most enjoyable for me.
Battle Mountain Gold Corporation
decided to keep the discovery of a volcano that erupts gold secret for another
year while further evaluations were made. The deposit was finally deemed
to be of insufficient quality to warrant the opening of a mine in such a
remote location. If Mt. Dana were closer to civilization it would be a very
big gold mine right now.
The discovery of cognate volcanic
gold was finally released to the public, which caused immediate interest
in volcanoes around the world. Since then a number of volcanoes have been
found that have similar cognate gold in their ejecta. One of the most interesting
is Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippine Islands.
After we returned to Camp Quag
my field season came to a close, as I had to return to Idaho for the start
of school. I did a little more work on Andronica Island,
mapping and sampling, and then it was all over for the season. I was glad
to fly out, and looked forward to seeing my family again after being away
for so long. The funny thing was that when I landed in Boise, Idaho, the
weather was cold and rainy, just like the Aleutians! It was great to be home
none the less.
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